1908 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste 1
Santa Monica, California 90404

Anti-Aging Cosmetic Dentistry

Beyond Veneers and Cosmetic Dentistry - No Drilling, No Surgery

Treating Patients in Los Angeles, CA from All Over the United States and the World

As we get older, the recessive chin gets worse. The neck begins to get bulges and folds and the chin gets pushed back because of the deep overbite. The goal of advanced cosmetic anti-aging dentistry is to obtain an effect that could actually act to prevent premature aging if the treatment were completed early enough.

The goal is to improve the reverse the recessive chin and improve the patient’s facial profile. Her facial wrinkles were reduced because she now has permanent facial support with her chin repositioned non-surgically.

Dr. Muslin has developed his skills in anti-aging cosmetic dentistry to naturally and quickly reposition the patient’s chin to improve her facial profile and reduce the neuromuscular stress in her neck and TMJ. This is esthetic restorative dentistry that improves the health of the patient.

Profile Corrected and Looking Younger

 Anti-Aging dentistry corrected her profile and gave her a younger look - Before and After treatment

It may be surprising to know that dentistry may provide one of the best anti-aging methods on the market today and additionally is the only method that improves the patient's health in multiple dimensions. One of the nation's top anti-aging methods has been developed by Cosmetic Dentist. Sam Muslin of Santa Monica California called Face Lift Dentistry ®

Non-Invasive Anti-Aging Dental Technology

Dr. Sam Muslin developed what he calls the "ultimate anti-aging method" available today for most patients and he has plenty of examples to prove it. Dr. Muslin said, "if you want to look younger naturally and improve your health at the same time, then Face Lift Dentistry ® is a dynamically effective choice. There are many possible aging problems that only Face Lift Dentistry ® can resolve without surgery. Some examples are small looking chins, large looking chins, short faces, facial wrinkles and bulges under the chin, sagging necks bad bites, deep overbites, under bites, tetracycline stain, cross bites etc.

Small Chin & Bulges Under the Skin

This patient did not like her facial profile. She thought her chin looked small and was considering a chin implant until she read a article about how a cosmetic treatment through dentistry was the best way to look younger. She did not want to go through a chin implant surgery and came upon this Anti-Aging Dentistry website.

She was able to see examples of patients that had their profile greatly improved with Face Lift Dentistry ®. She called the office, made an appointment and flew to Santa Monica California form Texas in order to get a consultation. It took no time for her to understand that Face Lift Dentistry ® was the best anti-aging cosmetic dentistry, profile enhancing and cosmetic dentistry solution available today.

Better Facial Profile

The patient had bad porcelain veneers that were years old, chipping, breaking and grey in color. She has Tetracycline Stained Teeth and was trying to hide the color with porcelain veneers done by her dentist back home but the porcelain veneers that were placed on her teeth did not hide the tetracycline stain and were too dark. She wanted white teeth for the first time in her life and she also wanted a better facial profile and a more prominent chin.

How Can a Chin Get Bigger with Non-Invasive Dentistry?

Dr. Sam Muslin discovered when patients have a deep over bite and worn down teeth their chin looks smaller. Deep over bites cause the chin to fall back and more upwards toward the nose too face. He developed a predictable method of allowing the chin to automatically reposition itself without surgery or drugs. The over bite is corrected using Face Lift Dentistry ® which lengthens the face and allows the chin to appear larger and the face to be better proportioned.

TMJ Pain Relief

Additionally, the patient experienced TMJ pain relief, fewer headaches and a dramatically younger appearance in one procedure. She said "I used to take two Excedrin Migraine" tablets every morning and thought that was normal and now I don't have to take them any longer"!

No Surgery is Necessary

By working on the teeth, Sam Muslin DDS discovered that he can improve facial proportions, support the face, improve the patient's health by removing all of the old badly matched dentistry, dramatically improve the facial profile, total body health and appearance. The miracle of it all is that, the patient does NOT have to have their natural teeth ground down!

It may sound too good to be true, but this website is full of before and after photos of his real life patients. All of the before and after photos in this website are the results of the work of Dr. Sam Muslin and the before and after photos are untouched and unaltered. None of these patients were paid or discounted or reimbursed in any way for allowing Dr. Muslin to display his work. All of these patients signed release forms giving him permission to show their photos. No photos are ever shown unless the patient signed a release form.

Sam Muslin DDS, MAGD

Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction

Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.

Contact Us

Face Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.